Would you like to read previous winning entries? A link to excerpts can be found below the title of each published collection a few months after the release of each book (Adobe Reader required) on our SHOP page.

June 4, 2024: We are pleased to announce the winners of our 18th annual national student writing contests: 2023-2024 Student Contest Results. Congratulations to the final prize winners and all those published!


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2023-2024 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each grade and all those published in our 18th annual national student poetry and short-story contests!

Click here for the list of 2023-2024 final prize winners.


2023 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners in each division and all those published in our 16th annual national summer poetry and short-story contests for all ages!

Click here for the list of 2023 final prize winners.


2022-2023 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each grade and all those published in our 17th annual national student poetry and short-story contests!

Click here for the list of 2022-2023 final prize winners.


2022 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners in each division and all those published in our 15th annual national summer poetry and short-story contests for all ages!

Click here for the list of 2022 final prize winners.


2021-2022 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each grade and all those published in our 16th annual national student poetry and short-story contests!

Click here for the list of 2021-2022 Prize Winners


2021 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each division and all those published in our 14th annual national summer poetry and short-story contests for all ages!

Click here for the list of 2021 final prize winners.


2020-2021 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each grade and all those published in our 15th annual national student poetry and short-story contests!

Click here for the list of 2020-2021 Prize Winners


2020 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each division and all those published in our 13th annual national summer poetry and short-story contests for all ages!

Click here for the list of 2020 final prize winners.


2019-2020 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each grade and all those published in our 14th annual national student poetry and short-story contests!

Click here for the list of 2019-2020 Prize Winners


2019 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each division and all those published in our 12th annual national summer poetry and short-story contests for all ages!

Click here for the list of 2019 Prize Winners


2018-2019 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each grade and all those published in our 13th annual national student poetry and short-story contests!

Click here for the list of 2018-2019 Prize Winners


2018 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Congratulations to the final prize winners for each division and all those published in our 11th annual national summer poetry and short-story contests for all ages!

Click here for the list of 2018 Prize Winners


2017-2018 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2017-2018 Student Prize Winners


2017 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2017 Prize Winners


2016-2017 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2016/2017 Student Prize Winners


2016 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2016 Prize Winners


2015-2016 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2015/2016 Student Poetry Contest Prize Winners

Click here for the list of 2015/2016 Student Short-Story Contest Prize Winners


2015 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2015 Prize Winners


2014-2015 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2014/2015 Student Poetry Contest Prize Winners

Click here for the list of 2014/2015 Student Short-Story Contest Prize Winners


2014 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2014 Prize Winners


2013-2014 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2013/2014 Student Prize Winners


2013 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2013 Prize Winners


2012-2013 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2012/2013 Student Prize Winners

We regret to say that the first prize for grade nine has been revoked due to plagiarized content/lacking proper citation.


2012 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2012 Prize Winners


2011-2012 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2011/2012 Student Prize Winners


2011 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2011 Prize Winners


2010-2011 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2010/2011 Student Prize Winners


2010 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2010 Prize Winners


2009-2010 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2009/2010 Student Prize Winners


2009 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2009 Prize Winners


2008-2009 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2008/2009 Student Prize Winners


2008 National Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2008 Prize Winners


2007-2008 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2007/2008 Student Prize Winners


2006-2007 National Student Poetry and Short-Story Contests:

Click here for the list of 2006/2007 Student Prize Winners